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29 iulie 2009

Live To Love...

It should be no surprise to anyone
that love is at the center of the meaning of life
Why? Because in its purest form
it implies a feeling of unselfish goodness
towards other human beings

That is true in whatever form love
takes whether it is between two lovers,
a father and son, grandparents
and grandkids or a religious person and his flock

Emotional and biological factors
may create the feeling of love
But the important aspect of this state
of being is not the cause
but its positive effect

The person who truly can love another gives of his or herself uncompromisingly
and unselfishly
The simple reality is that to find meaning
in your own life you must be able
to give of yourself to others

No man is an island
We do not go through life alone
Our birth is the result of being carried
and cared for by another
Throughout our life we are molded by teachers,
relatives and friends,
and we often die in the care of others

A person who can truly sacrifice
for another in the name of love
has encountered the raw energy
of the life force itself

If you stop to think of it,
life is a constant cycle of giving
and receiving in emotional,
spiritual and material terms

Love is one of the few elements
that both provides and returns something
of real and overriding benefit
That is true with the other actions
we have described as necessary in
finding meaning in your life as well


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